Thursday, April 5, 2007

Lessons From The Newsboys GO Tour

Welcome to Platform's first blog. This is Chance Hoag and I will be writing all blogs. My business partner, Darren Tyler, is too busy to mess with stuff like this. I will be writing from time to time when I see something or learn something that bears repeating. All of this will come from an "inside the music business perspective".

I'll admit it; I said the Newsboys were dead – six years ago. One point five million records, countless tour dates, two jets, a ton of eyeliner, and who knows how much money later, the Newsboys are in the midst of their most successful tour in their long history - despite a record that is, comparatively, not selling well. I've watched this from the front row, because two of our artists – Stellar Kart and Kutless, are direct support on this tour. How does this happen? I mean, how do four relative geezers pull off a handful of 4,000 – 8,000 seat shows? I know exactly how.

1. Bring the show. Regardless of the type of entertainment - this, in particular, being Christian entertainment - you must entertain. Sounds easy, but a lot of folks in our industry have forgotten this. The Newsboys don't just bring a show; they bring a circus wrapped up in the 4th of July. Big lights, huge video screens, confetti cannons, rising catwalks, and spinning drum sets – this thing is a spectacle. I mean, I hate Breakfast In Hell, but this is pure entertainment by any standard.
2. Bring the ministry. Peter Furler is a new man. Every lead singer in the Christian music business ought to be required to watch this guy. He is our industry's perennial entertainer. Most importantly, he's also serious in talking about God. Peter takes a lot of time to encourage and exhort the body of Christ. He does it in a way that's fresh, passionate, and sincere. And it works, BIG TIME. Not only are people encouraged, but also they knock each other down trying to get to the Newsboys merch table.
3. Bring a "no-fluff" package. There is no way for this not to sound like I am bragging on some of my clients. So be it. The Newsboys understand that the concert market is brutal. To put together a successful tour date, you must have what agents call 1+1=3. That means that the sum of the tour package must be greater than it's individual parts. The Newsboys are wise enough to know that the only way jr. high and high school kids are going to their show is if their youth pastors make them. Kutless brings rock kids and don't tend to offend parents, and Stellar Kart brings girls. The Newsboys bring families. Add that up and you've pretty much covered everybody.

The Newsboys, Wes Campbell (manager) and company have built a longstanding career by being smarter than just about everybody else. These guys "get it". You won't find me predicting the Newsboys demise ever again.
